Why the Muon g-2 Results Are So Exciting!

Published on April 21, 2021

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When a theory makes a prediction that disagrees with an experimental test, sometimes it means we should throw the theory away. But what if that theory has otherwise produced the most successful predictions in all of physics? Then, that little glitch may be pointing the way to layers of physics deeper than we’ve yet imagined. Well, FermiLabs Muon G-2 experiment has been chasing the most promising glitch of all, and they’ve just announced their results.

Announcement Results

Previous Episode of Space Time To Help Understand Muon G-2:

Quantum Mechanics Most Incredible Prediction

Muon g-2 Playlist

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Hosted by Matt O’Dowd
Written by Dan Garisto & Matt O’Dowd
Graphics by Leonardo Scholzer, Yago Ballarini, & Pedro Osinski
GFX Visualizations: Katherine Kornei
Directed by Andrew Kornhaber
Assistant Producer: Setare Gholipour
Executive Producers: Eric Brown & Andrew Kornhaber

End Credits Music by J.R.S. Schattenberg: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRl6-nb4iOnsij-vnpAjp0Q

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