Top 10 Overpriced Products That Are Really Cheap To Make

Published on March 6, 2018

Captions provided by CCTubes – Captioning the Internet! Most of the products we purchase are made at ridiculously low prices, resulting in huge markups and profits for multinational companies. I’ll be talking a lot about markups going forward.
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Be Amazed at The Real Cost Of Things You Buy! Mattresses – Within the furniture industry, the mattress sector is far and beyond the most lucrative, with markup prices veering from the expensive to the extreme. Popcorn – Popcorn and movies have always gone hand in hand, but the price of popcorn at movie theaters has undergone massive price hikes over the years as cinemas search out new revenue streams as studios take more percentage points on each new release. Test Messages – Remember the days when text messages were free? Printer Cartridges – Being able to print documents from the privacy of your own home is a convenience we all want, but it also comes with an added expense.

Textbooks – It costs about $11 to print a new addition to a standard algebra textbook, though college students often end up paying a retail price of over $200, a markup more than 20 times manufacturing fees. Electronics – Electronics are now essential parts of our everyday lives, from remote control devices to cables, calculators, and more. Shoes & Clothing – The price we pay for clothes can vary dramatically from brand to brand, but one component that remains the same is the mark-up of items purchased. Seasonal Gifts – A cheap card typically costs one or two dollars and premium cards can go for upwards of eight dollars. Drinks – We’re all serial drinkers, from breakfast through dinner, from filtered waters, coffees and smoothies, beer, wine and beyond. Apple iPhones – Most of us can’t live without our smartphone and Apple leads the market in this realm. Though Apple never releases actual production costs – according to analysis by research firm IHS Markit , the base model of the Phone X with 64 gigabytes of storage costs approximately $370.25 in raw parts.

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