Captions provided by CCTubes – Captioning the Internet! Most of us seek out naturally made products, foods and wonders but some of them looked totally different. Here are some mind-blowing facts about things you may have assumed to be natural.
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Be Amazed at these 10 Man-Made Things You Totally Thought Were ‘Natural’! The Amazon Basin – Known for its allure, mystical elements, and interesting mix of wildlife and inhabitants, the Amazon has long been regarded as one of the most mystifying locales in the world. Farm Animals – From man’s best friend to cats, ferrets, hamsters, and all the barnyard animals on the farm, the fact is that basically all of them have been domesticated slowly but surely over the centuries. Red Radishes – Did you know that the original radish was black?! Yellowstone’s Morning Glory Hot Spring – Yellowstone’s Morning Glory Hot Spring has always been a place of beauty, drawing thousands of visitors each year to take in the majestic site that has few rivals. Lettuce – If you say the words ‘the devil’s lettuce’, one would normally veer towards marijuana, but the truth of the matter is that lettuce – at least the wild variety – has been known for its narcotic qualities for thousands of years.
Earthquakes – Most people assume that earthquakes are a purely natural phenomenon but now that hydraulic fracturing –commonly known as fracking – has become a popular method of resource extraction, we now know this isn’t necessarily the case. Nevada’s Fly Geyser – What started out as an accident turned into an asset for the state of Nevada and the Fly Geyser. Most visitors to the state are inclined to travel to Las Vegas, but Fly Geyser is a spot in the Black Rock Desert that is definitely worth exploring for this man-made wonder. The Door to Hell – Visitors to Turkmenistan can get a bird’s eye view of the underworld up close and personal at the appropriately named Door to Hell, which is located in the small village of Deweze in the middle of a desert. Iceland’s Blue Lagoon – Most people that think of Iceland think of, well ice, and beautiful natural landscapes as far as the eye can see. Cabbages – It could be said that Brassica oleracea is the mother of green vegetables, with the plant species responsible for Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi, kale, and yes, even cabbage.