Top 10 Greatest Magic Tricks REVEALED & SECRETS EXPOSED

Published on May 29, 2018

Captions provided by CCTubes – Captioning the Internet! The secrets of some of the worlds greatest magic tricks have finally been revealed. Here are the secrets of tricks performed by david copperfield, dynamo, david blaine and even penn and teller!
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Be Amazed at these greatest magic tricks ever revealed! Will Tsai’s Coin Matrix – The “Coin Matrix” is a trick every close-up magician knows. Cards cover coins, which teleport one-by-one. All it takes is dexterity and misdirection. Mint Through Jaw – During an episode of “Never Mind The Buzzcocks, ” magician panelist Dynamo is asked for an impromptu magic trick. He smiles and offers some mints to the other panelists. AGT’s Snowman Trick – Mat Franco updated an old favorite on America’s Got Talent. He presents a large box in gift-wrapping… making sure not to reveal what’s inside until the end. Pen and Tellers Bullet Catch – It goes like this: two volunteers sign two bullets before penn and teller fire them at each other’s mouths. The bullet usually passes through a piece of paper or a glass pane to prove the bullets really left the guns. They finally reveal the other signed bullet in their mouth. But if you’ve got a keen eye, you can spot how they do it.David Blaine’s Coffee Coin Trick – You’ve heard of turning milk into cheese. And surely heard of turning water into wine. What about turning coffee into coins?

Pendragon’s Metamorphosis – The Husband and Wife team of Jonathan and Charlotte Pendragon aren’t just magicians, they’re world record holders. They made the Guinness Book of World Records under the entry “Fastest Transformation Illusion” with their most famous trick, Metamorphosis. Free Bus Ride – Pepsi hired British magician Dynamo to perform a public stunt in London to get attention. He levitates up to a bus, holds the top, and remains floating in that impossible position as he rides around london… right in front of a pepsi ad! Zig Zag Girl – The trick goes like this… a woman steps into an upright cabinet, sticking various body parts through holes. The magician puts sturdy metal blades through the box, seemingly cutting her in three. He then pushes the middle segment to the side, to prove this isn’t just a trick. The Death Saw – David Copperfield’s shows border on art, and his tricks defined a generation of magicians. Regurgitating frogs – Recently, David Blaine appeared on the tonight show and explained a rather strange story.He then downed some water, and regurgitated a live frog. After the trick, he swallowed the frog again . He’s done this before, summoning multiple frogs in a row, to prove the creatures weren’t just hidden in his mouth the whole time .

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