Captions provided by CCTubes – Captioning the Internet! Top 10 Craziest Game of Thrones Theories That Might Be True
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These Game Of Thrones fan theories are so crazy, that they just might be true! For this list, we’ll be taking a look at some of the most popular but admittedly wild theories heading into the HBO series’ final season. If it appears on this list, it’s the sort of theory that, if true, would be a major shocker, but… based on the show’s track record, also lands well within the realm of possibility. Our list includes that Littlefinger isn’t actually dead, that Jon will kill Daenerys, that Tyrion made a deal with Cersei, and more. Join WatchMojo as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Craziest Game of Thrones Theories That Might Be True.
List Rank and Entries:
10. Littlefinger Isn’t Actually Dead
9. Sam is Telling the Whole Story
8. Jon Is Not “The Prince That Was Promisedâ€
7. Jaime Will Kill Cersei
6. Gendry is Cersei & Robert’s Son
5. Jon Will Kill Daenerys
4. Tyrion Made a Deal with Cersei
3, 2, 1: ???
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