Captions provided by CCTubes – Captioning the Internet! Some companies have very bizarre origins. Here are the 10 most Bizarre Origins of Famous Companies.
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Be Amazed at these Top 10 Bizarre Origins of Famous Companies! Vaseline – Whenever find yourself with dry skin, you might reach for Vaseline. But, Do you know the strange origin of Vaseline? Vaseline was founded by British chemist Robert Chesebrough, in 1859. Nascar – If you’re an adrenaline addict, then Nascar might be the sport for you. Automoili Lamborghini SPA – Automoili Lamborghini SPA was founded by Ferruccio Lamborghini, who first started out with a tractor-building company called Lamborghini Trattori. Toyota Motor Corporation – Everybody owns a Toyota car, or at least it seems that way due to its popularity. However, Toyota was not started as automobile maker or anything close to that.
The Coca-Cola Company – Coca Cola is one of the world’s favorite drinks, that has a very addictive taste and a very additive effect on your body fat. Nintendo – Nintendo has successfully marketed itself as a family friendly video games developer, but its past is not so pristine. Listerine – Do you remember when you had to keep Listerine in your mouth for thirty seconds; all for a cleaner mouth? Well, it may come as a surprise that mouths were the farthest things from the mind of Listerine creators. Wrigley – Wrigley was founded in 1892, by William Wrigley Jr. He started out selling necessities like soap and baking powder. Red BullGmbH – Despite Red Bull’s false advertisement of “Red Bull gives you wings”, flying is very important to the history of Red Bull. Fanta – Fanta is the most festive carbonated belly enhancer in the world. However, it has rather dark origins. It was created in Nazi Germany during World War 2.