Captions provided by CCTubes – Captioning the Internet! Bar Tricks are great fun; they keep things fun, allowing you to impress friends, and might even keep the night cheap, given the wagers you’d win. Here are the top 10 amazing bar trick bets that you’ll always win.
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Featuring… The Bottle and Coin Trick – This is one of the simplest and easiest tricks to prepare for. All you need is an empty bottle, some coins, like some quarters, and a banknote, all of which you should already have on you. Balancing Trick – Grab an empty glass and challenge your friend to place a credit card on the rim of a glass whilst balancing a coin on one end of the card. Note under the Bottle Trick – This one is almost always guaranteed to confuse someone, so grab a bottle and a bill! To set up, lay a bill down on the table, and then place a bottle upside down on top of the bill. Pickup Glass Trick – This is a relatively simple trick to perform and only needs a glass of any sort, and two coins, quarters preferred. After balancing the coins on opposite sides of the rim; challenge your friends to lift the glass by only using two fingers, and to not drop the coins. Shot Glass Switch – For this you need two shot glasses and a playing card or business card etc. One shot glass filled to the brim with water, and another with Whiskey orRum, that also works.Challenge your friends to move the whiskey into the water glass, and vice versa without spilling any. The Race – This trick is designed to score you free drinks, it’s also sneaky rather than fancy, but here’s what you’ll need. Grab Two Pints of beer, and two shots. Also you need someone to race. You tell your opponent how much you love beer and that you’re real quick at drinking beer. So quick in fact that you are sure you can drink two pints, before they can drink two shots. Cutting Limes with Cigarettes – For this trick you’re going to need a lighter or matches, an everyday lime, and a cigarette. However you go about explaining the situation to your friends, just explain that they need to cut this lime with a cigarette. Surely they aren’t going to have any idea at all about how to do this. Alternating Shots – For this trick you need six shot glasses, three of them full. You arrange three empty shots in a line followed by three full shots, then tell your friend that they can only move one shot, and it needs to make the whole thing alternate. Empty full empty full etc. Have a drink out of a closed bottle – This cleverly worded trick only requires a closed wine bottle and a nearby shot of alcohol. All you have to do is tell someone that you can drink out of this bottle without opening it. That means without removing the cork or breaking the glass. Beer into Glass trick – You’ll need a fresh beer, a glass and a bendy straw for this one. Tell your friend that you can move the beer from the bottle and into the glass without pouring it.