Tiger (Shark) King

Published on December 1, 2021

Captions provided by CCTubes – Captioning the Internet! More than 20 years ago conservationist and diver, Jim Abernethy, discovered the affectionate side of large predatory sharks after removing a fishing hook from the jaws of a tiger shark. Since then he has removed thousands of hooks from sharks in the warm, clear waters off the Bahamas and has brought divers to safely encounter these apex predators with the goal of demstigmatizing sharks as mindless killers.

Director & Production:
Clayton Conn

Photography & Edit:
Clayton Conn

Assitant Producer & Audio:
Irene Barajas

Buoancy by Chad Crouch courtesy of freemusicarchive.org
Pacific Time by Blue Dot Sessions courtesy of freemusicarchive.org
Algorithms by Chad Crouch courtesy of freemusicarchive.org

Special thanks to Jim Abernethy’s Scuba Adventures

Filmed at Tiger Beach, Bahamas 2021

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