The Wrong End of the Stick

Published on November 23, 2023

Captions provided by CCTubes – Captioning the Internet! Featured on Short of the Week!

The Wrong End of the Stick mini-site:

Malcolm Fetcher is a neurotic, middle-aged teacher lost in a dull marriage with his wife of twenty years, Beverly. As he faces an all-consuming identity crisis, their marriage disintegrates and he is forced to express a deep, hidden desire…

44th Annie Awards 2017
• Best Student Film

British Independent Film Awards 2016
• Best British Short

HPFF 2019
• Special Mention for Animation: Best Artistic Contribution

Nachtschatten Film Festival 2018
• Best Short Film

Sapporo Short Fest 2017
• Best Student Director

Animator Festival 2017
• Best Student Film

London Comedy Film Festival 2017
• Discovery Short Film Award

Animation Dingle 2017
• Best International Student Short Film
• Runner Up: Best Combined Animation

Atlanta Film Festival 2017
• Honourable Mention for Animated Short

Underwire Festival 2016
• Best Animator Award

Indie Memphis 2016
• Audience Award: Best Departures Short Film

Spark Animation 2016
• Jury Special Mention: Bravery Award

Anilogue 2016
• Jury’s Special Award

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