The Battle of SHARKS!

Published on June 8, 2021

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## Special Thanks

Jim Stephenson (photo permission)

PUP Architects (H-VAC design)

## Crowdfunders
Steven Snow, Ben Delo, Bob Kunz, Nevin Spoljaric, Bobby, Donal Botkin, BN-12, Ben Schwab, Richard Jenkins, Phil Gardner, Steven Grimm, Chris Chapin, Martin, Andrew Bereza, Rebecca Wortham, Marco Arment, Colin Millions, سليمان العقل, emptymachine, Jason Lewandowski, Saki Comandao, George Lin, Henry Ng, rictic, David Tyler, Jordan Earls, Nick Fish, Nick Gibson, Tyler Bryant, Xueqi, Oliver Steele, iulus, Kermit Norlund, Alex Simonides, Julien Dubois, Christopher Mutchler, Derek Bonner, Mikko, Orbit_Junkie, Ron Bowes, Derek Jackson, Tómas Árni Jónasson, Nicholas Welna, Bear, chrysilis, David Palomares, Drago175, Emil, Esteban Santana Santana, Freddi Hørlyck, John Rogers, Peter Lomax, Rhys Parry, ShiroiYami, Tristan Watts-Willis, Veronica Peshterianu, Dag Viggo Lokøen, John Lee, Maxime Zielony, Elizabeth Keathley, Birdstryke, Rene Duedam

## Music

24 Caprices for Solo Violin, Op.1
– Capriccio n.16 Op.1 in G minor (presto)
– Capriccio n.2 Op.1 in B minor (moderato)
– Capriccio n.5 Op.1 in A minor (agitato)
– Capriccio n.7 Op.1 in E minor (posato)
– Capriccio n.17 Op.1 in Be (sostenuto-andante)
– Capriccio n.15 Op.1 in E minor (posato)
– Capriccio n.6 Op.1 in G minor (lento)
– Capriccio n.18 Op.1 in in C (corrente-allegro)

Composed by Niccolò Paganini
Performed by Jonathan Vered

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