Rarest Frog in the World?

Published on June 14, 2017

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On this episode of Breaking Trail, Coyote is on the search for one of the rarest frogs in the world, the Lemur Leaf Frog!

Joining the crew on this expedition will be Brian Kubicki, one of the most renowned amphibian specialists in Latin America. Brian has not only discovered and named many species of frogs and salamanders but he has also reintroduced the incredibly rare Lemur Frog to his reserve in hopes of keeping this species alive and on the planet.

The Lemur Frog itself is critically endangered across the globe and only one step away from being considered extinct. So with this frog being so rare you might wonder…will the team actually be able to find one?

Get ready to find out!

HUGE THANKS to Brian Kubicki for joining the adventure and hosting the crew at this location! To visit his amazing amphibian reserve check out his website for details – http://bit.ly/crfrogs

Breaking Trail leaves the map behind and follows adventurer and animal expert Coyote Peterson and his crew as they encounter a variety of wildlife in the most amazing environments on the planet!

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