Mexican Handcraft Masters / COPPER

Published on April 15, 2023

Captions provided by CCTubes – Captioning the Internet! ABDÓN PUNZO / COPPER

Vimeo Staff Pick
Aeon video
SFO Museum

A documentary series about the different methods of working various types of crafts in the state of Michoacan. From the vision of each artisan we get to know the process of their craft and the tradition behind each piece, as well as the origin of the raw material they use to develop their work.

Dirección. Mariano Rentería
Guión. Mariano Rentería
Producción. Jorge Díez
Cinefotografía. Mariano Rentería
Asistencia. Abraham Tame
Sonido. Kevin Pineda Gould
Música. Xela, Moby

El Relicario, 2017

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