Harry Potter vs Luke Skywalker. Epic Rap Battles Of History

Published on December 17, 2020

Captions provided by CCTubes – Captioning the Internet! Epic Rap Battles of History: Harry Potter vs Luke Skywalker
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np & eL

Epic Rap Battles of History: Harry Potter vs Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker battles Harry Potter in a magical rap. Who won? Who’s next? You decide!
#erb #epicrapbattles #EpicRapBattlesOfHistory #LukeSkywalker #HarryPotter #StarWars #lego

Directed by Forrest Whaley
Animated by: Sean Willets, Forrest Whaley, Zach Macias
Set Design: Brian Heins & Nathan Wells
CG Elements: Augustus Danko & Christopher Gearheart
Production Assistance: Alyssa Whaley


Harry Potter: Dave Brown aka Boyinaband
Spotify: @Boyinaband
Twitter: @DavePBrown

Luke Skywalker: Nice Peter

The Weasley Brothers: The Jackpot Golden Boys


Written by Nice Peter, EpicLLOYD, Zach Sherwin, MC Hammersmith, Sam Irving and the many most excellent contributors of our Patreon Writers Crew. Special thanks to the Spontaneous Players.

Channel Manager: Ed Monk
Producer: Atul Singh
DIT: Josh Best

Beat Produced by: Epistra

Music Mixed by Nice Peter

Mastered by Mark B. Christensen

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