ENOUGH: A Dream, A Nightmare, A Musical

Published on May 21, 2024

Captions provided by CCTubes – Captioning the Internet! Shot over 10 years, this surreal hip hop odyssey unpacks the stormy inner world of Nathan Nzanga, a Congolese-American coming of age in the US.

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Learn more at: nzangamusic.com/enough

2021 Oscar-Qualified short.

Press Coverage:
Reuters: www.bit.ly/EnoughReuters
TheHill: www.bit.ly/EnoughTheHill
SHOTS: www.bit.ly/EnoughShot
FilmShortage: www.bit.ly/EnoughFilmShortage
BeyondTheShort: www.bit.ly/EnoughBeyondTheShort
BOOOOOOOM.TV www.bit.ly/EnoughBOOM
DavidReviews: www.bit.ly/EnoughDavid
Reel360: www.bit.ly/enoughreel360
BoingBoing: www.bit.ly/enoughboingboing

Directed by Caleb Slain
Starring Nathan Nzanga
Music & Lyrics by Nathan Nzanga
Created in Community at Prodigy Camp
Producers: Rick Stevenson, Max Losee, Ethan Seneker, Hope Alexande, Jennette Vasiljevic, La’Charles Trask, Caleb Slain
Co-Executive Producers: William Way, Nathan Nzanga, Elizabeth Neufeld
DP: Drew Dawson
Production Designer: Hadley Hillel
Editing: Nick Pezzillo, Caleb Slain
Wardrobe: Ron Leaman

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