DNA Doesn’t Look Like What You Think!

Published on September 13, 2017

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Biology textbooks are full of drawings of DNA, but none of those show what DNA actually looks like. Sure, they’re good models for understanding how DNA works, but inside of real cells, it’s a whole lot more interesting. Learn why we can’t look directly at DNA, and find out how DNA is actually packed inside cells.


Best electron microscope image of DNA: http://theatln.tc/2xLBb0Y

Atomic force microscopy (the tiny needle): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_force_microscopy

Visualizing the 3-D genome: http://bit.ly/2eHud8k
Stevens, Tim J., et al. “3D structures of individual mammalian genomes studied by single-cell Hi-C.” Nature 544.7648 (2017): 59-64.


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It’s Okay To Be Smart is hosted by Joe Hanson, Ph.D.
Director: Joe Nicolosi
Writer: Joe Hanson
Editor/animator: Evan Wright
Producer: Stephanie Noone and Amanda Fox

Produced by PBS Digital Studios
Music via APM
Stock images from Shutterstock http://www.shutterstock.com

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