Could Galactic Walls Prove We're Wrong About The Universe?

Published on January 19, 2017

Captions provided by CCTubes – Captioning the Internet! Astronomers have just found the biggest galaxy wall yet. What is a cosmic great wall, and how do we find them?
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Read More:
Biggest Thing in Universe Found-Defies Scientific Theory
“Talk about a whopper-astronomers have discovered a structure in the universe so large that modern cosmological theory says it should not exist, a new study says. Using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, an international team of researchers has discovered a record-breaking cluster of quasars-young active galaxies-stretching four billion light-years across.”

BOSS measures the universe to 1-percent accuracy
“Today the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) Collaboration announced that BOSS has measured the scale of the universe to an accuracy of one percent. This and future measures at this precision are the key to determining the nature of dark energy.”

Discovery of a Massive Supercluster System at z ? 0.47
“The large-scale structure of the Universe can be seen as the cosmic web of clusters and groups of galaxies connected by filaments, with under-dense voids between the over-dense regions. The largest over-dense, relatively isolated systems in the cosmic web are the superclusters of galaxies.”


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