Published on June 18, 2017

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Who built the pyramids? The colossal geometric monuments found at Giza and elsewhere in Egypt are some of Earth’s most impressive constructions. Pyramids are truly wonders of the ancient and modern world.

But when the pyramids were built, the ancient Egyptians hadn’t invented the wheel, developed bronze tools, or discovered pi. How were they able to stack two million stone blocks, each weighing more than two tons, into precise geometric alignments that would survive more than 4,000 years and capture the imaginations of explorers throughout history? They did it the same way we always have: by trial and error. The true history of the pyramids is one of experimentation and science, not magic… or aliens.


Lehner, M. (1997). The complete pyramids. Thames and Hudson.

Parry, D. (2005). Engineering the pyramids. The History Press.

Verner, M. (2003). The pyramids: their archaeology and history. Atlantic.

Verner, M. (2007). The Pyramids: The Mystery, Culture, and Science of Egypt’s Great Monuments. Grove/Atlantic, Inc..


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It’s Okay To Be Smart is hosted by Joe Hanson, Ph.D.
Director: Joe Nicolosi
Writer: Joe Hanson
Producer/editor/animator: Andrew Orsak
Producer: Stephanie Noone and Amanda Fox

Produced by PBS Digital Studios
Music via APM
Stock images from Shutterstock http://www.shutterstock.com

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