The Year of the Pig

Published on May 11, 2024

Captions provided by CCTubes – Captioning the Internet! I’d been gone for three weeks on a wild commercial and it happened that the day I got back was both the lunar new year and a school holiday. I stumbled on the parades and firecracker celebrations last year purely by chance and so we took the girls down this year. It was a special moment. So many kids running and playing, families together, a general air of celebration and community.

Then, we went up to Central Park to enjoy the unusually warm weather. No real plans, just moments accumulating. So, that’s what this is…just a collection of moments…the kinds of moments I miss the most when I’m gone

Music by James Kenyon.

Shot on the BMPCC4K with a 25mm SLRMagic lens and graded in Resolve.

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