Tsavo Trust

Published on October 11, 2023

Captions provided by CCTubes – Captioning the Internet! “Many people didn’t realize that these elephants actually existed”

With ivory to the ground and weighing at least 100 lbs per tusk, the ‘super tusker’ elephant is the closest thing to a pre-historic creature that still resides on this planet. Yet, there only remain a handful of them in Kenya as they face immense pressure and challenges.

This is the story of the few remaining super tuskers in Kenya and those who work to protect them. The elephants symbolize an important conversation about the fight for space between humans and all wildlife as our global population continues to increase.

We hope this film reminds us of the extraordinary living creatures that we share on this planet of ours – and that its existence is one worth fighting for.

For more info or to help support Tsavo Trust, please visit: www.tsavotrust.org

Behind-the-scenes: https://allthingsgoh.com/2019/09/tsavo-trust-behind-the-scenes

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Tsavo Trust Co-Founder & CEO: Richard Moller

Director / Cinematographer: Goh Iromoto

Camera Operator / Sound Recordist / Camera Assistant: Courtney Iromoto
Additional Super Tusker Footage: William Burrard-Lucas

Editor: Scott Edwards • Outsider Editorial

Executive Producer: Kristina Anzlinger
Colourist: Jason Zukowski • Redlab

Producer: Valerie Moss

Executive Producer: Cynthia Verona
Sound Design & Mix: Joe barrucco • Timeline Audio
Online Artist: Jay Smith • Upstate

‘Lachrymosia’ by Slow Meadow
‘Atlas’ by Andrew Seistrup

Special Thanks:
Joseph Kyalo Kimaile
Nick Trent
Nic Cahill
Vanessa Moller
Tsavo Trust Staff
Kenya Wildlife Services
Kamungi Conservancy
Shirango Conservancy
Bush & Beyond
Emma & Anton Childs
Mike Reid
Rob Wilson

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