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Why is there something rather than nothing? Well the answer may be found in the weakest particle in the universe: the neutrino. For over half a century Fermilab has been the premier particle accelerator facility of the United States and we got to visit with Don Lincoln to explore it’s science and its engineering. These days many of the super-powered geniuses of Fermilab are tackling the mysteries of the neutrino. Why? Because this elusive particle may hold powerful secrets: from the unification of the forces of nature to the biggest question of all: why is there something rather than nothing?
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Hosted by: Matt O’Dowd & Don Lincoln
Written by: Matt O’Dowd
Directed by: Andrew Kornhaber
Director of Photography by: Ian Krass
Graphics by: Leonardo Scholzer & Adriano Leal
Editing by: Madeleine Ro
Color by: Matt Braunsdorf
Post Sound by: Alexander Mandel
Executive Producers: Eric Brown & Andrew Kornhaber
Special Thanks: Andre Salles
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