Titan’s Oceans Are Made of Super Cold Methane, and NASA Created Them on Earth!

Published on May 12, 2018

Captions provided by CCTubes – Captioning the Internet! Scientists are sending a submarine to space to study Titan’s oceans. To practice, they built the ocean in a lab.

NASA’s Crazy Plan to Send a Space Submarine to Titan – https://youtu.be/UYusz-MIJ4c

Read More:

A Little Robotic Submarine Could Ply Alien Seas
“NASA is designing a robot submarine to explore the ultrachilly, hydrocarbon-filled seas on Saturn’s moon Titan — the only body in the solar system, apart from Earth, with liquid on its surface. Researchers have been testing the probe with a bucket-sized mock alien ocean in a lab.”

Researcher sets eyes on Saturn’s largest moon
“Co-led by a Western space scientist, NASA is exploring a revolutionary plan that could see a drone-like quadcopter buzz above the surface of Saturn’s largest moon.”

Titan: Facts About Saturn’s Largest Moon
“Scientists believe that conditions on Titan are similar to Earth’s early years. According to NASA, ‘In many respects, Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, is one of the most Earth-like worlds we have found to date.’”


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Special thanks to Athena Brensberger for writing this episode of Seeker!
Check Athena out on Twitter: https://twitter.com/astroathens

This episode of Seeker was hosted by Trace Dominguez

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