One Shot Could Provide All the Vaccines You'll Ever Need

Published on October 11, 2017

Captions provided by CCTubes – Captioning the Internet! Hate needles? Researchers may have found a way to combine all the vaccines you’ll ever need into a single shot. Here’s how it works.

The Bizarre Story Of The Very First Vaccine –
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One vaccine injection could carry many doses
“MIT engineers have invented a new 3-D fabrication method that can generate a novel type of drug-carrying particle that could allow multiple doses of a drug or vaccine to be delivered over an extended time period with just one injection.”

How Cow Antibodies Are Helping Scientists Develop an HIV Vaccine
“Researchers have long sought to develop an effective HIV vaccine. Several treatments have undergone clinical trials, but the only one that’s been even slightly successful, a 2009 study in Thailand, lowered HIV infection rates by only 30 percent. But scientists haven’t given up hope.”

HPV Vaccine Shows Great Promise in Fighting Cancer
“A vaccine for an extremely common sexually transmitted disease – human papillomavirus, or HPV – is making big strides in the war against cancer. A drug branded as Gardasil 9 could prevent 90 percent of cervical and vaginal cancers, 90 percent of HPV-related anal cancer and genital warts, and around 78 percent of cervical diseases, according to a new study published last week in the British medical journal Lancet.”


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