Top 10 Most AMAZING Optical Illusions to Blow Your Mind

Published on October 7, 2017

Captions provided by CCTubes – Captioning the Internet! These 10 amazing illusions will surely blow your minds! When they conspire with our brain, they confuse us to the point that we are left in awe!
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Captain Disillusion:

Be Amazed at these Amazing Illusions to Blow Your Mind! Cornsweet Illusion – Take a look at this photo. It’s obviously one tile with two sides that appear to have a differing level of contrast. Barber Pole Illusion – Back in the day, businesses didn’t use words or branding names to label their industry. Impossible Trident – Here’s an incredibly annoying illusion that will have you scratching your heads out of amazement and confusion at the same time. Orbison Illusion – Not all optical illusions already have definite explanations behind them, and that makes studying these even more interesting.

Ebbinghaus Illusion – Let’s play a little game. In front of you are two circles which are surrounded by other circles. The one at your left is surrounded by smaller circles, while the one at your right is surrounded by bigger circles. Poggendorff Illusion – Here’s another optical illusion which you might be seeing more often than you expected. Check this illustration right here. Ambiguous Cylinder – If you think the previous illusions looked very confusing, then you haven’t seen the Ambiguous Cylinder Illusion yet. Bezold Effect – If you love mixing and matching your clothes to match your skin tone or look brighter, or perhaps you are experimenting on certain color combinations as you renovate your house, then you might be unconsciously seeing the Bezold Effect already. Necker Cube Illusion – Let’s play another mind boggling game. Take a look at this box, and then focus your attention on the red dot. Stare at it for a few seconds. Hybrid Image – Last but definitely not the least, here’s an optical illusion that will make you want to gouge your eyes out!

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